The sun is out in all of its glory welcoming us into 2017. The Rose Bowl Parade is a special beginning to the New Year. The magnificent floats are created entirely from flowers and foliage. Every year is more awesome than the previous one. Speaking of creations, there were uniquely constructed arrangements made by our members at our December workshop. Every one of them was different and most were constructed with flowers and materials from our own gardens.
All of us gardeners like orchids. I'm sure that everyone in Southwest Florida is enjoying the beauty of the Bauhinia Orchid Tree. Its blooms resemble the Cattleya Orchid plant. However, Orchid Trees are not related to Orchid Plants. Orchid Trees range in color from pure white, to pink, magenta and lavender. There are several species. They bloom at various times between November through the spring months according to the type. Some species have legume shaped pods. Others do not have pods. They are best used as free-standing trees Orchid trees prefer full sun or high, diffused shade. They are rapid growers reaching 20 to 40 feet in height.
As with most ornamental flowering trees, they prefer fertile, sandy loam, well-drained soil. They grow well in Zones 10 and 11. They do very well in our climate. It is best to prop and stake them for a few years to maintain a good stature. Martha Dilger has a beautiful deep pink Bauhinia Orchid Tree by her driveway on West Gulf Drive. It was propped up for a few years after it was planted with good results. Specimen flowering trees have a tendency to topple over in an extremely heavy rain event because their root system is shallow. Staking until they are established helps prevent toppling. If it should happen, they can be raised quite easily with little damage to the tree.
Cattleya Orchid Plant
Bauhinia Orchid Tree
The most popular Orchid Tree is the Bauhinia Variegata. It produces blossoms in winter and spring. These are pure white or a slightly purple tint. I have noticed several of these on Boca Grande. There is an orchard-like area of them on the grounds of Health Park. These do have legume-type pods.
The Bauhinia Blakeana Hong Kong Orchid Tree bears large 6 " blossoms that are reddish to rose and magenta purple. It blooms during the winter.
The Hong Kong Orchid currently in bloom all over the island and so spectacularly line Summerlin Road are in bloom for about five months, from November through March. The spent deep pink and magenta blossoms add an appearance of deep pink carpet to the ground. The scene resembles a beautiful French painting.
We have other varieties in our garden which are a pale lavender with deep-toned veins. The blossoms are very much like our Cattleya Orchid potted plant. Like I mentioned; they are not related. This tree is about 35 feet tall. It blooms in late winter into spring and has a lovely light fragrance. We have it trimmed back to the main branches like stubs after it blooms. Within a few weeks, it has fluffy branches reaching for the sky again. We purchased that tree approximately 25 years ago. It is still in good health. We have two others of the same species which we started from seed. These trees rarely have a few seed pods.
Orchid Trees are very desirable. They do lose their rather large leaves after blooming. These are messy, but the tree's beauty is worth the minor inconvenience.
Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergia) are giving us much pleasure this holiday season. They can be grown indoors or out. Outdoor plants are that are grown in trees are especially beautiful. They love the air circulation in the out of doors. Their stems resemble jointed crab leg which drape over the sides of their containers. The blossoms appear at the tips. There is a wide array of colors: peach, pink, magenta, red and white. They prefer morning sun or partial shade during the summer in this area. They prefer sun to partial sun once the summer turns to fall. If a stem should break off, merely place it in another potted plant, your propagation pot, or start a new pot until it becomes rooted. They root very easily.
White Christmas Cactus (With a Frog Critter in the Plant Tray)
Red Christmas Cactus
Magenta Christmas Cactus
"I Live in the Garden; I Just Sleep in the House."
Patti in Paradise